Art Gallery
Best works
Games of light
Empty Dream
Acts of Creation
Creating a Magical World from the Core
In the spirit of the Atelier Mordecai Ardon
2006 Etchings, Paris
To Love the Inherently Small, Miniatures 1999 -2009
Autumn Mysteries
pictures from group exhibitions
Dialogues, 2014-2021
A Retrospective of Series 2000 - 2022

Art work by technique:
Engravings and prints
Mixed technique
Geometric structures
Acts of Creation
About the Exhibition/Art Work > 

Acts of Creation, 2002

A series of five paintings which described part of the acts of Creation.

The series was acquired by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is exhibited in the Yitzhak Rabin Building, World Center of Jewish Studies, Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem, from May 2003 to the present.

Written in the booklet published for the  dedication ceremony upon removal of the covering from the pictures:

Acts of Creation, A series of five paintings
by artist Liat Polotsky, expresses the artist's
intent to recreate the Creation rather than "photograph" it.


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